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Rocky Hill High Achievement Within a Kind and Safe Environment

Literacy spotlight

Principal's Message

At the EUSD January board meeting, Rocky Hill was in the spotlight. We wanted to spotlight all of the good things that are happening here on campus in regards to our focus on literacy. Some areas we highlighted are:
-Library Update
-Monthly Reading Challenge
-Upcoming Read-a-thon
-Read Across America
-Reading Support Platforms
Among so many others. Please take a few minutes and watch the video using the link below. It's the presentation that was shown to the board, but in video form.
Let us know what you think!
Mrs. Micari and Ms. Hollman



5th Grade Yearbook Dedications

Are you the parent of a 5th grader? Do you want to put their baby pictures in the yearbook and tell them how proud of them you are? For $20, you can do just that! Don't delay! You can only reserve a dedication spot until April 4th! Read more for all the details.
5th grade dedication

It's Yearbook Time!

Yearbooks are now available for pre-sale! From now until March 31st, yearbooks are $30 for the first book and $25 for siblings. On April 1st, the price increases to $40 for the first book and $30 for siblings. Read more to see the flyer.

Spring Pictures 2025

Spring Pictures are coming up! Friday, March 14th is Spring Picture Day. Students will be sent home with a flyer on Monday. Read more to see the flyer.
spring picture day