School Profile
School Profile: Rocky Hill Elementary
Rocky Hill School, located on the northeast side of Exeter, is a neighborhood school which serves approximately 600 Preschool through fifth grade students in the Exeter Unified School District attendance area. Administration and staff set high standards for behavior and academics and hold all students accountable. State standards drive the curriculum at each grade level and all available resources are used to help each student meet or exceed grade-level standards.
There are 24 regular education teachers, 1 reading intervention teacher, 1 resource specialist, 1 P.E. teacher, 1 music teacher, and 1 art teacher. There is also 1 special program aide, 1 speech and language pathologist, 1 registered behavior technician, and 2 behavior aides. There is a full-time librarian, 1 technical support technician, and a P.E. aide. Additionally, there is 1 special education (AcCEL) county class for grades 3-5. 10 instructional aides provide support for TK through 5th grade as needed, and 3 yard duty supervisors help during the lunch hour. In addition, Rocky Hill School has a nurse, a maintenance specialist, 2 full-time custodians, an office manager, and an office specialist.
Other support is also provided by a full-time school psychologist and a full-time Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Counselor. HEART (5 days a week) is also available as an after school enrichment and homework program. The Extended Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) program offers after school clubs for students.
School Enrollment by Grade level and Ethnicity is as follows: TK 24, Kinder 72, First Grade 86, Second Grade 104, Third Grade 86, 4th Grade 83, Fifth Grade 92, Hispanic or Latino 395, White 201 and Other 3. Approximately 20% of the students school-wide are identified as English Learners; 2% are identified as Migrant students, and approximately 69% of the students benefit from the Free & Reduced Lunch program.
Rocky Hill Elementary School was built in 1994 and is home to approximately 600 students in grades Preschool-5th grade. The site plan includes thirty-five classrooms/instructional areas, a library, a Reading Intervention lab, a Learning Center, a HEART office, a speech office, a gymnasium/multipurpose room, a garden, and a covered eating and student area. Electronic communication, monitoring, and other equipment, most of which have computer support for delivery of services, were incorporated in the original design.
Technology is becoming an integral part of the overall school plan. As part of our District Digital Learning Plan, 100% of our student population have access to devices. All classrooms are equipped with either Chrome tablets (TK-2) or Chromebooks (Grades 3-5).
In addition, teachers, administrators, and staff have access to the Internet and shared district files. All computers are networked through a Wide Area Network. All classrooms have additional technology support such as projectors, document cameras, laptops, and AV equipment. Each teacher has an iPad, a desktop computer, and a laptop. The multipurpose room has a new built-in sound system which is used by both teachers and administration.
Students at Rocky Hill School attend school 180 days per year. The instructional minutes completed each school year exceeds state requirements in all grade levels. In Kindergarten, students are in session 42,673 minutes. In grades one and two, students are in session 44,758 minutes. In grades three through five, students are in session 49,901 minutes.
35 early release days have been scheduled for the 2024-2025 school year for the purpose of teacher collaboration and planning. Fall Parent Teacher conference days are September 23-24, and 26-27, 2024. Spring Parent Teacher conference days are March 10-11, 2023.
Other Important Characteristics of the School:
Rocky Hill School is partnered with the community and benefits from active support and involvement of community members. The educational community is extremely proud of the quality of instructional services provided to our students. Each year, our students participate in Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Tulare County Spelling Bee, Tulare County Poetry and Prose; educational assemblies are brought in to the school for students i.e.; Rangers in the Classroom, Reptile Guy, and Nutrition Network. Off campus field trips are an opportunity for some grade levels supported by LCAP and PTO. Other projects or activities include Pennies for Patients, Student Council special days and events, high school cross-age tutors, Read Across America Day, and student teacher candidates from surrounding college and universities. Education is infused throughout the school day and in the curriculum and is the model for good decision–making skills and behavior. School-wide assemblies are held each month in honor of students that reflect the selected pillar of character as part of the Character Strong SEL program, attendance awards are presented at the end of the year, and parents are an integral part of the celebration. The Parent Teacher Organization meets monthly and parent volunteers are widely available. A fully equipped school garden exists. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) was implemented during the 2013-2014 school year communicating school-wide expectations to students and parents. We are continuing with PBIS implementation and use data to make informed decisions. In addition to PBIS, staff has implemented the Time to Teach program during the 2017-18 school year. Good behavior must be systematically taught, consistent, predictable, and enforced school-wide. Discipline and consequences should be clear, concise, enforceable, logical, and proportional. Time to Teach is more than a progressive discipline system. There are five components in the Time to Teach system:- Self-Control: Teachers need to remain calm and not engage in debate with students. Students’ choices will be honored and teachers will simply follow the behavior flow chart.
- Teach To’s: Staff will use mini-lessons to explicitly teach behavioral expectations.
- Unconditional Positive Regard: Teachers will take deliberate action to build strong relationships with our students.
- Refocus Area: A location where students will reflect on their behavior and how to improve it. They will also know what will happen next if they choose to continue misbehaving.
- Class Arrangement: Each class has a designated place for the Refocus Area with a uniform layout.